July 6, 2023
BPA-Clear, a safe Bisphenol A (BPA) solution by Nan Ya Plastics
BPA-Clear, a safe Bisphenol A (BPA) solution by Nan Ya Plastics
What is BPA used for?

Bisphenol A (BPA) was used as a raw material for the manufacture of some legacy polycarbonate (PC) and epoxy resin, such as : plastic container, thermal paper, resin lenses or inner layer coatings of cans, etc.

What are some health concerns of BPA?

BPA can be absorbed and ingested through the skin or mouth, disrupting hormones. It may affect the human reproductive system and cranial nerves, and induce obesity, heart disease or cardiovascular disease.

Why is BPA found in some recycled textile fibers?

Most recycled polyester textiles on the market are made from recycled plastic bottles. When recycled materials are mixed with BPA materials, the final textiles may contain excessive amounts of BPA.

Is there a standard for a safe, low-BPA compliant product ?

California CPAI-65, AFIRM, and latest bluesign RSL recommends a BPA level of under 1 ppm. Nan Ya’s BPA-Clear protocol complies to this accordingly.

How does Nan Ya ensure a safe BPA content in its BPA-Clear line?

Nan Ya delivers the BPA-Clear line by strictly controlling the income stream of our recycled plastics as well as with a proprietary system.

Is BPA-Clear currently available on all of Nan Ya’s recycled fiber products?

BPA-Clear polyester fiber and related products are currently available made-to order. Please contact your fabric or fiber sales representative for more details regarding BPA concerns in your goods.

BPA-Clear, a safe Bisphenol A (BPA) solution by Nan Ya Plastics

南亞 SAYA BPA-Clear 聚酯回收絲 – 低雙酚A(BPA)安心方案

雙酚A (Bisphenol A, BPA)作為製造聚碳酸酯-PC和環氧樹脂的原料,用於: 大型桶裝水、熱感應紙、樹脂鏡片或罐頭內層環氧樹脂塗料等。

雙酚A可透過皮膚或手口接觸而食入吸收,而干擾荷爾蒙運作,除了對人體 的生殖系統及腦神經影響外,還會造成肥胖、心臟病或心血管疾病等。

市面上聚酯回收紡織品大多由回收廢棄塑料製成。當回收料混雜到有雙酚A 材料時,最終製作出來的紡織品即有可能含有超量雙酚A。

南亞 BPA-Clear 產品是否通過國際雙酚A認證?
加州CPAI-65、AFIRM和最新的bluesign RSL建議BPA水平應 低於1 ppm。南亞的 BPA-Clear 產品皆符合相應要求。

南亞如何確保 BPA-Clear 產品符合「低雙酚A」國際標準?
南亞率先研發出雙酚A去除技術以及嚴格控管回收來源,確保回收紡織品中, 雙酚A含量保證低於1 ppm,並依需求提供相關證明。

南亞目前所有的回收纖維產品皆有提供 BPA-Clear 嗎?
BPA-Clear 聚酯纖維及相關產品目前根據訂單需求生產,請聯繫您的南亞公司營業代表進一步諮詢,以更加了解有關產品中BPA的問題。

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