March 8, 2021
What does Carbon Footprint mean? A Number to Reduce

What does Carbon Footprint mean and how to reduce it?

The carbon footprint of an entity has become a standard measure of comparison and is defined as the sum of greenhouse gas emissions resulting from fossil-fuel combustion in manufacturing, heating, and transportation, as well as emissions required to produce the electricity associated with goods and services which are consumed.

Greenhouse gas emissions include the total carbon dioxide (CO2), methane, nitrous oxide, or chlorofluorocarbons and are expressed as a measure of weight, as in tons of CO2. The carbon footprint can be calculated for an individual, a household or organization, an activity, an event or for manufactured goods. 

CO2 Emissions can be mediated with plantings toward Carbon Neutrality
CO2 Emissions can be mediated with plantings toward Carbon Neutrality

For any given entity or product there might be hundreds of contributing factors that must be considered when calculating the carbon footprint. For a manufactured product, such as an item of apparel or a piece of furniture for example, every component that goes into the item, the energy used for production, transportation, use and even disposal of goods needs to be included and measured.

It is generally agreed that increasing greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere are contributing to climate change. As concerned global citizens, our overall goal is to find meaningful ways to reduce our carbon footprint however and wherever we can. 

By recycling existing polyester into fiber rather than manufacturing fiber out of raw petroleum extracted from the earth, SAYA has been able to reduce the carbon footprint of our performance fibers by 77 percent.

Rolls of left over fabric to be recycled back into polyester fiber to reduce CO2 emissions
Rolls of left over fabric to be recycled back into polyester fiber to reduce CO2 emissions

Selecting recycled over virgin content for the fiber used to knit or weave fabric is just one of many decisions and factors that go into reducing the carbon footprint of a finished garment or product. At SAYA our goal is to help brands and product developers start out on the right foot, by offering  a more sustainable choice at the very beginning of the design and production process.

To share your thoughts on reducing carbon footprints or to learn more about SAYA fiber, please contact us at

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